Friday, November 3, 2017

Why I Like Independant Fundamental Baptists...

A few reasons I like Independent Baptists:

(1) There are lots of them. You can find them everywhere you go. Sure, sometimes you have to look on a back street, but if you look you will find and Independent Baptist Church

(2) They know what they stand for. They know the fundamentals of their faith. Ask them, they'll be glad to chat. They don't mind a hearty debate either.

(3) The no-nonsense mentality. They are not worried about being politically correct. Less sugar coating. Clear, plain, & blunt might define their communication style. You will never go away wondering what they were trying to say.

(4) They are 'independent' minded. They do not depend upon others for what they need. They do not pay much attention to that feeling that creeps over most of us when we feel like we are out on a limb alone. They secretly enjoy standing tall when no one else will.

(5) They are evangelistic. Make eye contact for more than three seconds and they'll probably hand you a tract with the name of their church on the back. You will then get to hear the plan of salvation! Get ready to make a personal decision too. You might even hear a little street preaching (kind of like what Peter did at Pentecost.)

(6) They have a love for God's Word. That is the KJV to be exact. But they love it. They will memorize, quote, and even live it (imagine that). They may like Calvin, but they don't quote him much, they quote Paul, Jesus, and the prophets.

(7) They believe in education. I know they have a reputation of being anti-intellectual, but the opposite is actually true. They like to start Christian schools, homeschool co-ops, small independent Bible colleges, and more. Their priority is on teaching God's Word (see #6).

(8) They are Biblical theologians, not Systematic theologians. Most people today lean toward being a systematic kind of Christian. We like for our faith to all fit together into a nice little system that makes sense. Not Independant Fundamental Baptists. "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it."

(9) They like big families. Dad working hard at a job, mom working hard teaching and rearing the kids, and multiple children is not a sexist, ignorant idea for them... it is normal. They raise them to love Jesus and his church. No wonder there are so many of them!

(10) They sometimes get loud during church. Pentecostals get all the credit these days for getting noisy in church, but the truth is Independant Fundamental Baptists like to throw up an "amen" here and there too.

What might you add?

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