Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why I Like Roman Catholics...

(1) They have the Vatican. No other denomination has anything like it! It is like an actual, albeit small, theocracy! That is cool.

(2) They are global. They really are international. It is not that they want to be or hope to be... they actually are! You can find a Roman Catholic church almost anywhere in the world!

(3) Their priests are completely dependent upon the church. And the church takes care of them all their life. I am not just talking about a retirement check... I'm talking about a priesthood that lives, breathes, and dies 'the church.'

(4) They have an almost universal monopoly on the word 'catholic.' Yes, it technically means universal, but they already have the copyright... sorry protestants who quote the Apostle's Creed.

(5) Can anyone say: 'Organized.' They've had more practice than we protestants. They have evangelism down to a science... literally. Missions, polity, disagreement, councils, etc are all organized down to the detail. Ever read the Roman Catholic catechism? Organized.

(6) Ever found an ugly Catholic church building? Maybe, but not many actually exist. They really believe the church ought to be an embassy for the Kingdom of God. Therefore, they build churches like they envision Heaven to be.

(7) Their clergy are easy to identify. The Priests have the collar, nuns have the habit. All they have to do is walk into a room and everyone knows who they are!

(8) They are passionate about the sanctity of life. Lots (but not all) of protestants are too busy looking to draw a crowd to rock the boat on some issues. Not Catholics. Go to a pro-life rally and see how many non-Catholics you can find.

(9) They do not change much. Many Protestant denominations are chasing after fads and popularity polls... not our Catholic friends! There are some of them that still want to have service in Latin. Nobody at the Vatican is too disturbed about being "relevant."

(10) Have you ever seen the Pope's hat? That is awesome! Just sayin'.

What might you add?

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  1. Many protestants wear the collar too. It started out in Protestant tradition. And the Pope's hat is a mitre, unless you mean the zucchetto or the camauro.

  2. I assume by the Pope’s hat, Jared means the papal tiara. That’s some serious bling! (Do people still say “bling?”)
