Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Signs You Might be a Tele-Evangelist

You might be a tele-evangelist if...

1) You have face cramps from excessive smiling when around people.

2) You write books like: "Your  Best Life Now" or "8 Steps to Create the Life You  Want." (You think everyone has the potential to be a tele-evangelist.)

3) You 'slay' people at your services and say it is "in the Spirit." Also, part of your 'ministry' pay roll goes toward 'catchers' for your worship services.

4) You spent more than $10,000 for a commode.

5) Your last name is Popoff, Van Impe, or Dollar.

6) You have predicted the exact date of Jesus return at least two different times and still cannot understand why God keeps changing His mind.

7) You have been involved in sexual misconduct, drug addictions, financial fraud/embezzlement, or blatant deception but still have "your ministry."

8) You own more than one mansion and at least five BMWs, Mercedes, or Rolls-Royces.

9) The top of your prayer request list consists of new jets.

10) You wear more jewelry than Mr. T and all white suits. (For female evangelists: You wear more make up on your face than what is used to paint the local water tower and have extravagant hair.)

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