I believe in small healthy churches!
(1) You feel more comfortable calling them your home church. Mega churches may have programs, but small churches have people. Not just a mass of faces, but a people you can come to know. A small church can become your church family.
(2) You can know the Pastor. The pastor isn't a celebrity (though he/she may want to be), he or she is your pastor. The pastor knows who you are, who your family is, and what you are going through.
(3) More participation! It is hard to do nothing in a small church. There tends to be a smaller percentage of pew warmers (although you can find them everywhere). It's hard to continue to be a spectator when everyone else is already doing three different jobs in the church. So don't get comfortable on the pew, they're looking for someone like you!
(4) There is accountability. If you aren't there, everyone knows. Your "spot" in your pew is obvious when it is empty. People ask you where you've been because they care. They are worried when you start "laying out of church." They miss you and genuinely love you.
(5) A small church is a small group! Large churches recognize the need to have small groups to connect people with one another and establish a more intimate setting for Bible Study. No need for that in a small church. Just come on Wednesday night!

(6) They don't care what the church fads are. They really don't care what cool things they should be doing during the worship service or whether their pastor looks like a model from American Eagle Outfitters. They couldn't care less about cliches, they are having church.
(7) Can anyone say "potluck." Enough said.
(8) They are stable. They may not have "break out" growth in attendance, but they can be faithful and consistent. Mega churches are sometimes built around the likeability of the pastor, the extravagant use of technology, or the numerous programs. If something disrupts the routine a mega church can find itself in decline quickly. (Of course this stability is a point of contention for the pastor who comes in to a small church and tries to change everything overnight.) Their stability comes from the fact that they tend to be slow to change, and not rush into everything.
(9) They don't care if the Pastor is gifted, just that he loves them. Now, to be sure, they would like to hear an excellent sermon, but the more they sense the pastor loves them, the more they enjoy his sermons (whether they really are good or not). In a mega church a pastor cannot express love to each congregant in anything more than words, so if the pastor cannot be a good preacher, administrator, etc he/she will fail! In a small church love trumps gifts/talent.
(10) Less business, more church. They don't require large budgets. Most don't care about committees or boards. They might occasionally raise money for a new window AC unit in the elementary Sunday School class or a new paint job in the parsonage, but as a whole, they just aren't too concerned about such things. No bells, no whistles... just being the church.
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(1) You feel more comfortable calling them your home church. Mega churches may have programs, but small churches have people. Not just a mass of faces, but a people you can come to know. A small church can become your church family.
(2) You can know the Pastor. The pastor isn't a celebrity (though he/she may want to be), he or she is your pastor. The pastor knows who you are, who your family is, and what you are going through.
(3) More participation! It is hard to do nothing in a small church. There tends to be a smaller percentage of pew warmers (although you can find them everywhere). It's hard to continue to be a spectator when everyone else is already doing three different jobs in the church. So don't get comfortable on the pew, they're looking for someone like you!
(4) There is accountability. If you aren't there, everyone knows. Your "spot" in your pew is obvious when it is empty. People ask you where you've been because they care. They are worried when you start "laying out of church." They miss you and genuinely love you.
(5) A small church is a small group! Large churches recognize the need to have small groups to connect people with one another and establish a more intimate setting for Bible Study. No need for that in a small church. Just come on Wednesday night!

(6) They don't care what the church fads are. They really don't care what cool things they should be doing during the worship service or whether their pastor looks like a model from American Eagle Outfitters. They couldn't care less about cliches, they are having church.
(7) Can anyone say "potluck." Enough said.
(8) They are stable. They may not have "break out" growth in attendance, but they can be faithful and consistent. Mega churches are sometimes built around the likeability of the pastor, the extravagant use of technology, or the numerous programs. If something disrupts the routine a mega church can find itself in decline quickly. (Of course this stability is a point of contention for the pastor who comes in to a small church and tries to change everything overnight.) Their stability comes from the fact that they tend to be slow to change, and not rush into everything.
(9) They don't care if the Pastor is gifted, just that he loves them. Now, to be sure, they would like to hear an excellent sermon, but the more they sense the pastor loves them, the more they enjoy his sermons (whether they really are good or not). In a mega church a pastor cannot express love to each congregant in anything more than words, so if the pastor cannot be a good preacher, administrator, etc he/she will fail! In a small church love trumps gifts/talent.
(10) Less business, more church. They don't require large budgets. Most don't care about committees or boards. They might occasionally raise money for a new window AC unit in the elementary Sunday School class or a new paint job in the parsonage, but as a whole, they just aren't too concerned about such things. No bells, no whistles... just being the church.
Any reasons you might add?
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Have preached in the largest (THOMAS Road, People’s Church. In Canada). Etc and the smallest often. The issue to me is not the ombiance but winning people to Jesus. Our SS class in a large church is our small church in the large church.