Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Social Media Etiquette

In this era of modern technology we seem to have lost common sense. Here are a few suggestions for those having trouble navigating the vast "super-highway" lane called Facebook. (If you cannot handle sarcasm... read no farther.)

1. Don't be vulgar, profane, rude, dirty, obnoxious, or hateful. The rest of us get enough of that at work, in traffic, from our neighbors, and watching politicians; we don't need that from you too. It really doesn't prove anything more than you have no class and you are not a gentleman or lady. It doesn't make anyone think you are cool or impressive. The rest of us don't like for that kind of junk to pop up on our news feed. Do us all a favor: clean up your language, your attitude, your life, and your posts!

2. Keep private things private! No decent person wants to read the details of your marital in-fighting, nasty break-ups, family feuds, financial disarray, intimate physical relationship details, or other personal stuff on Facebook. You may not be aware of this, but anyone who is your friend on Facebook can read you posts. That means your posts are public. (As an addendum to this it is worth noting that most... if not all... of your friends are not professional counselors. In other words your private problems will not be solved over a wall post with a number of friends responding.)

3. Don't forward or click on links to chain messages. If the message seems out of character with the sender then do not open it. You can always verify the link by asking the sender to verify whether they sent the link. You may have received the link because they clicked on a message from someone else, which spammed all their friends with messages. Please don't propagate this!

4. Some things need to be done face to face, not on Facebook. Don't dump your girlfriend/boyfriend by posting on their page. Don't release that employee from their job by messaging them and then removing them from your friend list. And don't ask someone to marry you by posting on their wall (that's not creative... it's cowardly). Remember that to get through life you must really communicate with people!

5. Social media is not a place to give or receive counseling. Licensed counselors do not have Twitter counseling or Instagram therapy sessions. Venting and then looking for encouragement from people is an extremely unhealthy habit to fall into. If you need counseling, schedule a visit with your pastor! Do not air all of your problems in an attempt to fish for affirmation. Social media can, at best, produce only a counterfeit healing.  

6. Picture discretion advised. Your father, brother, relatives, decent co-workers and friends don't want to see you in a bathing suit, thong, underwear, skin tight spandex, or other immodest apparel. Neither do we wish to see your cleavage, tattoos (especially in places not normally seen), post-surgery wound pictures, making out sessions, any bathroom pictures, or you after you've had a drunken stupor outside of the bar. This does not help anyone's ability to take you seriously. (The same goes with videos.)

7. Cut the mushiness. If you are "in a relationship", "engaged", or "married" to someone, then the rest of us assume that you love that person. To be reminded occasionally of that truth is okay, but try not to be excessive. Usually those who never have anything more to say than "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE      UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" are actually the same ones that will break rule #1 at some point down the road.

8. Don't post about your illegal activities. If you are breaking the law, calling out people by name, cheating on your girlfriend, or calling in sick but actually running errands.... don't put it on Facebook. It wasn't the right thing to do to begin with and now you've just let the world know that you are a poor decision maker.

9. No one really cares about your quiz results. The rest of the world, if they have a life, does not care what movie star you are most like, what kind of animal best fits your personality, what your age at death will be, what your horoscope for the day says, what kind of a kisser you are, what movie best describes your life, or how much money you will make when you are 35, 45, & 55. We don't care. If you want to waste your time taking the quizzes that's fine, but don't waste our time by making us delete them from our homepage.

10. When you actually talk to someone in real life, don't make constant reference to Facebook. Constant references to information and knowledge you obtained on Facebook is weird and creepy. It makes you seem like a stalker and/or someone with no beneficial life functions... just don't do it. (While I'm at it don't put the following in your profile 'info' section: "if you want to know more message me" that's crazy! If they really did message you asking what your blood type was, wouldn't you be freaked out?) Real people are able to communicate and socialize beyond the confines of a computer screen, keyboard, and mouse... try it some time, you might just enjoy it.

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