Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Some Questions for the Pro-Choice...

I am obviously not a reporter, but I do wish that I had a chance to interview a "pro-choice/abortion" political candidate, celebrity, or outspoken supporter of abortion. Generally, reporters seem to be obviously biased toward a pro-abortion stance and illustrate that in their questions. It seems to me that the questions asked can make a huge difference in how everyone perceives the interview. For example, I would ask the following questions of "pro-choice" individuals...

(1) Many state & federal laws allow criminal to be prosecuted if an assault on a mother causes injury or death to the unborn baby. Do you support these laws? How does legal protection of those children differ from protection of children from abortion?

(2) Most pro-choice individuals say that they are looking out for the best interests of women. Other than preserving their "right" to kill their child, what are you doing for the best interests of women? Does that include the best interests of a female baby in the womb?

(3) What rights do you believe a father should have in the decision about abortion?

(4) Do you believe that there are any times when abortion is morally wrong? If so, what would they be? Would you work to make those immoral circumstances illegal?

(5) If it was absolutely proven to you that a "fetus" is a living human being, would you become pro-life?

(6) Do you believe that unwanted children or children you consider to have a "low quality of life" should be killed? Do you believe that unwanted children or children you consider to have a potentially "low quality of life" but are still in the womb should be killed?

(7) Do you believe that someone should be able to abort their child because they have a physical or mental disability? Do you believe that someone should be able to abort their child based on the child's gender?

(8) Do you object to abortion after the point in pregnancy that it has been medically proven that the baby feels pain?

(9) If a child somehow survives an abortion and is born alive do you believe it's life should be protected?

(10) I am going to take the liberty of characterizing your position, and then I want you to tell me where I’m wrong. You want abortion to be legal right up to the moment of birth, (for all nine months of pregnancy); for any reason whatsoever, for no reason whatsoever; for a minor girl of any age,  without parental consent, without even parental knowledge; and if she can’t pay for it, you think the government ought to. Is there anything inaccurate about that statement?

What questions might you add?

See also the following articles:

All Out for Souls

Why I Like Small Churches

Why I Don't Play the Lottery

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