Monday, May 13, 2024
Some Things to Remember After a Political Election
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
It is Time to Leave the United Methodist Church
I have many friends who are attending and many who are serving in ministry in the United Methodist Church (UMC). I urge you in brotherly love, you need to do the hardest thing you might ever do and leave the church that you love and have worshiped in for so many years. The denomination is no longer the faithful bride of Christ.
Wednesday, May 1, the United Methodist church voted, 692-51, to allow practicing homosexuals to be ordained and to drop its penalty for clergy performing gay marriages. While they have struggled with people and leaders who openly defied the Bible and the stance of the church, now these false teachers and leaders have made their deceptions official positions of the church.
Why is this a big deal? Not because it is a cultural issue facing the church, but because the UMC, in their official vote, has declared they know better than God the Creator about human sexuality. They have declared the Bible and its inspiration to be expired and obsolete. They have bowed at the idol of humanism and cultural ideology. The UMC organization has rejected the presence of a God of holy love for one of sexual immorality.
My brothers and sisters from the UMC may be reluctant to leave. I understand. My words of recommendation to leave may sting. It is a sad day. It seems that darkness has won the day. You have prayed and worked toward faithfulness to the truth and call of God. The years of faithfulness to your local church and ministry under the umbrella of the UMC might feel wasted. However, Jesus is still head of His church. There are new wineskins.
God is working all around the world despite persecution, despite some that compromise, despite those who diminish holiness, and despite those who create a god fashioned to their cultural norms.
There will be difficult days. Lament. Seek the leading of the Holy Spirit and follow Him. There is a revival coming, but it will not take place where the lampstand has been removed. You will have to courageously move forward to embrace the new thing that God is doing in our hour.
To remain in the United Methodist Church at this point is tantamount to tolerating Jezebel who teaches and seduces Christians to practice sexual immorality (Rev 2:20). In the love of Christ, I compel you to remain faithful regardless of the costs.
Do not dismay. The message of scriptural holiness did not originate with the UMC and neither will it end with the UMC. The Good News that God cleanses the heart and empowers for service when he sanctifies you wholly will continue.
Warning: If you are part of another denomination, be aware that these false teachings are pervasive in our culture right now. Contend for the faith. Refuse to compromise either in doctrine or in mission. Continue to take the Gospel (the full of counsel of God) to a world of people who are craving transformation, righteousness, and holiness.
Supplemental: (05-02-24) Statements from the United Methodist Church in Africa...
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The Disunity of the United Methodist Church
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