Thursday, December 6, 2018

Getting "Unfriended" in Real Life

10 Ways to Get Unfriended in Real Life!

(1) Do all the talking. And always have the last word. Anything your friends would have to say is probably boring and irrelevant anyway. Make sure an overwhelming majority of the discussion is from you.

(2) "Anything you can do, I can do better. Akin to this one is the "Always be right." mentality. Always "one up" whatever your friends have to say. Did they get a raise? Yours was higher. Did they accomplish a goal? Yours was bigger. Did they reach a milestone in life? You already passed it. And never acknowledge you were wrong.

(3) Expect your friends to always be on the giving side of the relationship. They owe you. They ought to give you money when you're in trouble. Be there for you when you are in a crisis. Don't worry about their lives, just that they exist to lift you up. When they see you coming, they'll know they owe you something!

(4) Make the subject of every conversation you. Is there anything better to talk about? Quote yourself often, it adds spice to your conversation. But it doesn't add much spice to your relationships. Anything that your friends have done, accomplished, or been a part of is probably going to be boring compared to your life & accomplishments.

(5) Give your friends frequent ultimatums. If your friends won't do what you want, the way you want it, then lay out an ultimatum. Always make them aware of the fact that you have drawn a line in the sand. Relationships tend to thrive under this kind of pressure.

(6) Gossip. Some people realize that if you are willing to gossip about others to them, then you are no doubt going to gossip about them to others. The juicier the better... keep spreading the word. A sharp tongue can lose plenty of friends.

(7) Make your friendship based on your happiness. If they drag you down...let them go. Look for someone who will benefit you and your life, not vice versa. The less you invest in your friendships the better when it comes to getting unfriended. Remember, they will understand that you are more important than they are and if not, who needed them anyway?

(8) Be sensitive. Let your friends know when they have offended you (especially over small things). Keep them obligated and always asking for forgiveness. Make sure everyone is walking on egg shells around you.

(9) Don't mind your manners. Be rude. Be obnoxious. Be loud. Be embarrassing. And do it without reservation, just don't be polite. The more inconsiderate you are the more quickly they will plan on getting rid of you as a friend!

(10) Complain about everything. Be a whiner. Criticize. Be the dark cloud that blocks every ray of sunshine. Never be happy, optimistic, enthusiastic, or excited about anything... just complain. Always talk about your problems, your aches & pains, the bad things that have happened to you and the like. It's kind of like congregating at a dumpster.

I am sure there are other ways to get people to "unfriend" you, what would you add?

Also check out the following...

Some Things You Need to Know

Why I Stopped Giving to the Poor.

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