Have you ever noticed that a sound technician goes unnoticed until they make a mistake? When a microphone fails to be unmuted or the feedback squeals, everyone turns around to look at the person at the sound board. It is easy to notice what is wrong, but it sure is difficult to know how to do the job of the sound technician well.
In fact, a lot of people can tell you what Holiness is not. They have long lists of things they claim aren't real holiness. It ain't holiness if it does not meet their standards. They can hear the spiritual "feedback," but they cannot seem to present a clear picture of what holiness actually looks like... only a critique of what it is not.
The truth is that there are no different brands of holiness, only counterfeits to scriptural holiness.
The word holy simply means set apart for God's purposes. The verb sanctify means to make holy. Our responsibility in terms of holiness is to consecrate ourselves to Him so that He can set us apart for His purposes.
The difficult thing about holiness is that we tend to adopt caricatures of holiness that are incomplete or even faulty pictures of true holiness.
For example, some people have distorted the definition of love so that it is approval of anything a person does or is. Holy love, however, desires God's best for the person who is the object of that love.
Kindness has come to mean that uncomfortable truths are ignored. To state inconvenient truth has been considered unkind. But authentic kindness will not shy from the truth that will transform, redeem, and restore. To refuse to share this kind of truth, is anything but kind. Simply put, do not allow the fruits of the Spirit to be a watered-down version of political correctness.
There are some who would characterize the only real action for social concerns for the poor are there opinions. They would claim that the only legitimate holiness was one that proposes the same action as a political party and instituted by government entities. They have been influenced by political pundits rather than biblical exhortations.
So what is holiness?
It is heart cleansing that changes the outward persona and purifies the heart!
Holiness is meekness, but not weakness. It is strength in submission to the Spirit.
Holiness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees. It cleansed the outward and the inward person!
Holiness is empowerment for fulfillment of the Great Commission. (Oh how our churches need Spirit filled believers for service!)
Holiness is full surrender to the will of Jesus. Holiness is dying to self with its desires, longings, and will so that we might live completely into His will and way.
Holiness nurtures fear of God and courage in the face of man. May we see people fill our churches and be sent forth who fear nothing but God and boldly stand upon the promises of God's word.
Holy men and women will boldly speak to those in power and authority according to the ordinances of God.
Holiness includes both introverts and extroverts. God can sanctify every combination of the Myers-Briggs personality spectrum.
Holiness is separation from sin. Holiness is rejection of worldliness. Holiness is redemption empowered.
Holiness is removing the plank in your eye and not ignoring personal sin.
Holiness is finding the courage to stand and proclaim the excellencies of the ways of Christ.
Holiness is believing that God's ways are better than the ways of the world.
Holiness refuses to tolerate sin. It gives no quarter to that which is enmity to God.
Holiness is generous. It gives all for the sake of the Kingdom. Position, power, resources, and time are all laid at the feet of the King. Reputation, intellect, education are submitted to the mind of Christ.
Holiness is clarity about the Gospel. Clarity about biblical morality. (Ambiguity is the trait of a politician and not a prophet.)
Holiness does not look to the law for salvation, but loves Jesus with all the heart so that obedience is supreme. The law is not written on tablets, but on their hearts!
Holiness is willing to turn tables over in the face of immorality among God's people.
Holiness is walking in the Spirit. A life focused on the spiritual rather than the physical.
Holiness hates sin voraciously. Holiness loves sinners redemptively.
Holiness brings division in families, churches, and culture. (I can give scriptural references by the way.)
Holiness is missional. There is an underlying desire for God's will (not than any should perish, but that all should reach repentance).
Holiness shepherds others into maturity and not complacency. Holiness does not seek to control others, but to point them to the Savior.
Holiness has been God's plan from the beginning. It is not a doctrine copyrighted by a denomination, but a biblical truth that flows from the character of God.
Holiness brings the bride into unity to the groom. Holiness does not compromise God's truth.
Holiness is enacting church discipline. Holiness is confronting false teachers and preachers.
Holiness is the life of power borne of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Holiness trusts God. Holiness does not fear sin, the sinner, or the things of this world. Holiness is a cleansing work!
Holiness is being crucified with Christ. Dying out to self will and living for Christ above all.
Holiness is the circumcision of the heart; a cleansing of the sinful/fallen nature.
Holiness operates with a pure heart and a motive to glorify God above all.
Holiness rejects cheap grace. Holiness embraces transformational grace.
Holiness is willing to give all to God. Holiness is willing to go anywhere for God. Holiness is willing to speak up for God. Holiness is willing to be silent before God.
Holiness deals in hope for the sinners and those who suffer from evil. Holiness never stops short of others experiencing holiness.
Holiness is refusing to give into worldly ideologies. It is experiencing transformation through the renewal of the mind.
Holiness is a scriptural experience with a scriptural description.
Holiness is innately evangelistic. It is compelled by love to reach the lost and share the Gospel with them.
Holiness is renewing to its environment. It brings spiritual awakening and revival in its wake.
Holiness is not passive aggressive. It deals directly and clearly in conflict.
Holiness contends for the truth. It will not settle for a watered down truth or a counterfeit holiness.
Holiness loves God with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength. Holiness loves its neighbor as itself.
Yes, this is holiness... and so much more.
Check out these other articles:
I Fired Jesus
I Judge People
A Better Way Than the Middle Way
When Did Holiness Theology Shift to Calvinism?