Monday, December 9, 2024

Let's Reach People!

A few things that need to happen for you to reach people for Jesus.

1. Fall in love with Jesus. And let love motivate you in every endeavor to minister to the world around you.

2. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Apologetics, methodologies, psychology, talents, resources, and friendly personalities might be helpful but none of those things can change a heart. We need Holy Spirit power to minister.

3. Refuse to quit. Do not give up on people. They might reject you. They might reject your message. They may mistreat you. They may discourage you. Do not give up on people; there's too much at stake.

4. Be steadfast in prayer. The amazing thing about the New Testament church was not their technology or fashion sense, but that it was evident they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)

5. Learn how to be a friend. In the current world of smart phones, artificial intelligence, and social media we are less social than ever before. Having in person, face to face conversations is a skill set few have. Work on putting down your phone, turning off your television, and finding someone to engage.

6. Don't throw away truth from the Bible. Many have a disdain for biblical truths (such as 'hell') that make them uncomfortable. No one likes the reality of hell. But I have found many people who reject its existence make little to no effort in reaching people for Jesus. 

What else might you include?

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