Thursday, August 1, 2024

Invest in People

The greatest wealth a person can have is deep friendships. We live in a moment of time in which authentic relationships are difficult to attain. He is not poor who has friends. 

1. Be encouraging. Plenty of people can find the negative, can you see the positive? Can you identify the divine potential in a person? Work at it. This is not flattery (nice things that are not necessarily true). Allow the Holy Spirit to identify in others what could be and then begin to encourage those around you with that information. 

2. Be generous. Give of your time. Share your resources. Make your talents available to others. Be willing to help someone be successful in their endeavor to accomplish something for Jesus. In a self-centered, coveting, stingy world, be unsparing in your investment in other people and the work to which God has called them.

3. Be kind. Animosity reigns in culture. Learn the power of kindness to those who cannot benefit you in anyway. A kind word can initiate healing. A kind word can break down barriers. A kind word can help make a friend. Kindness is often the beginning of lasting friendships.

4. Be patient. When we are investing in others, it is easy to be impatient with their progress. Setbacks, mistakes, or distractions can be a test of your patience. And also, your resolve to pour into people. Humans are not robots, they require patience. 

5. Be caring. Your ability to genuinely have concern about the well-being of another person is the most important motivation for your investment. If your investment is for selfish reasons of what that person could produce or accomplish for you, it is ill gotten gain. People matter to God. People should matter to you. 

6. Be joyful. Too many who have started the rewarding work of investment have had so much discouragement and frustration in the process that they have lost their joy. They carry on in duty and obligation. Joy is no longer to be found and they often forget that you can actually experience joy along the journey. The joy of the Lord can indeed be your strength as you invest in people.

7. Be truthful. Saying nice things that are not true is flattery. Flattery is a form of deceit and often used to manipulate others. The goal is not manipulation, but authentic investment in the well being and development of the person. Do not say things that are not true for the sake of a temporary emotional investment. Real love rejoices in the truth.

The greatest wealth you can experience apart from your relationship with God is friendships with others. The more friends, the greater the wealth! But to have friends, you must first be a friend.

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