Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Signs of a Good Church

Ever wonder if your church is one of the good ones? Here are some signs!

1. There are people regularly being born-again. It is evident that people are repenting and thus turning from sin to make Jesus their Savior. Lives are really changing! Transformation is taking place on regular basis as people come to Jesus.

2. There are people being sanctified wholly. After becoming Christians, the Holy Spirit draws people to a place of full surrender. People are going "all in" when it comes to issues of faith. A second definite work of God is evident as people have hearts that are purified and lives empowered for service. It's the difference between Jesus disciples before Pentecost and after Pentecost.

3. People in the church want to come more often. There is a sense of anticipation about what God is doing when His people gather together to worship Him. They become more than "once a week Christians". Worshiping God is not something given "lip service" but is actually done with eagerness an vitality.

4. People bring other people to church with them. Bill boards, radio ads, and internet advertising is not the driving force for the growth of the church... people are. Empowered by the Holy Spirit people that worship on Sunday are ministering at work, school, home, and in their neighborhood. Their lives are attractive because of what God is doing and people are coming to see the source of their spiritual vitality!

5. Baptisms occur often. People are being baptized who have committed their lives to Christ. They are ready for next steps and for God to do more things in their lives. There is a contagious and celebratory feel to these baptism services. 

6. There is a spirit of excitement and enthusiasm in the times of worship. Worship is not boring because it is heart felt and passionate. This is not about a certain style or a certain kind of instrument. This is about a people who have been forgiven and recognize the great price Jesus paid for their sins on the cross. They are thankful and even overwhelmed at the love of God.

7. People in the church have powerful testimonies of what God is doing in their life currently. God's work in their lives is not only past tense. Their testimonies are "up to date." It is evident that God is not done in the lives of the people because He is still doing new things in their lives!

8. Individuals in the church are developing their own personal lifestyle convictions as the Spirit leads them. It is a serious thing to seek God's will and how it impacts daily life. Vibrant churches are full of people who are willing to draw the line about sinful activity, but also flee from the moral "gray area". 

9. People are willing to do and be uncomfortable for the sake of God's work. Moving forward in faith is rarely done in comfort or even earthly security. Risks are taken to obey the Lord's leading and fulfill His will for the church. Victory's price is often action taken in faith that God is about to do something big.

10. Church becomes less about activities and form, and more about presence and power. While a thriving church is very active, the focus is not on activities, programs, or entertainment, but on the glory of God ministering to the real needs of people present. There is a marked difference between a church with God's glory and one without.

So, what do you think are some signs of a good church?

Also check out the following articles:

Why I Still Have a Sunday Night Service

Get a Back Bone

20 Signs You Are in a Dying Church

Navigating Social Media

1 comment:

  1. A true church of God is one that does not conform to worldly ideologies, it does not support nor affirm demonic narratives. A true church of God is one that contends for the faith and courageously proclaims the truth inspite of the world, it loves and rejoices in the truth and absolutely will not make any exceptions or compromises in leading Holy lives. A true church is one that relentlessly preaches Jesus Christ and him crucified as being the only sufficient means of salvation period.
