Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Ten Books Every Pastor Should Read (and some sermons to read)

Below are a few books I would recommend to pastors as well as some sermons that have been impactful to my personal journey.

First the books...

1. "A New Beginning for Pastors and Congregations" by Kennon L. Callahan
Before you start your next pastoral assignment, read this book. A great book for those starting new ministry assignments, wanting to 're-start', or just looking for some direction on why there is no forward momentum.

2. "Preacher and Prayer" by E. M. Bounds
Powerful challenge to a preaching pastor on the importance, or I should say, the necessity of prayer. An encouraging and challenging read.

3. "Promise of the Father" by Phoebe Palmer
She's been controversial and rejected by many academics (that might be a good thing), but was extremely fruitful in seeing literally hundreds of laity and clergy experience entire sanctification. This too is a must read.

4. "Discipleship in the Home" by Matt Friedeman
If you cannot disciple your own children, then you are going to be at a loss to disciple people in the church. This book provides great first steps toward establishing a Godly home that produces real Christians!

5. "The Sermons of John Wesley" edited by Kenneth Collins & Jason E Vickers
Every pastor should read all of Wesley's sermons. You'll be able to see through all those who claim that their idea or theology is 'Wesleyan' as well as be challenged in your own spiritual life. The English is old, but the Spirit still moves!

6. "Lectures on Revival" by Charles G. Finney
A great evangelist of yesteryears gives instruction on promoting, laying a context for, and seeking revival in your local context. A great read by an anointed evangelist.

7. "Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People" by Keith Drury (unless you can get an out of print copy, you'll have to settle for the newer version of the same book titled: "Soul Shaper")
A simple read on some spiritual disciplines that we all need. Pastor or lay people will benefit from this book by Drury.

8. "Of God and Men" by A. W. Tozer
Tozer rejects religious notions that blind us to the faith and reality of the New Testament church. Humanity's relationship to God is of supreme concern!

9. "Abide in Christ" by Andrew Murray
The rush and full schedules of ministry can often make a pastor lose sight of the most important thing- fellowship with Jesus. Murray masterfully calls us to abide with Him again.

10. "Spiritual Leadership" by J. Oswald Sanders
A classic book on leadership from a spiritual and Biblical perspective. Every pastor needs to read this book!

Honorable Mentions:

"Sinning Saints" by Howard Sweeten (Can't find it, but found a digital copy of this book that is by the same author and a similar read)

A few years old now, but the issue is still the same being promoted in so many churches today: sinning Christians. Sweeten attacks the idea that after being born again Christians continue sinning.

Another one by Drury that gives a simple read for understanding Entire Sanctification.

Any books you might include on this list?

Bonus: Some sermons you need to read/listen to...

1. "Ten Shekels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead (audio & manuscript of sermon)
Hands down one of the most impactful sermons in my own ministry.

2. "10 Indictments Against the Modern Church in America" by Paul Washer (video of sermon) (manuscript of sermon)
A challenging rebuke to style over substance.

3. "The Cost of Discipleship" by Francis Chan (audio & video of sermon)
Reminiscent of a book by Bonhoeffer titled the same.

4. "The Time is Now" by C. W. Fisher (manuscript of sermon)
A call to action and revival in the church today.

5. "Amen! That's My King" by S. M. Lockridge (audio of sermon)
A rally cry to the Christian today. Maybe a good one to learn some style from too. You definitely need to listen to this one.

6. "Repentance" by Dwight L. Moody (manuscript of sermon)
Moody helps define repentance and distinguishes between true and false repentance.

7. "The New Birth" by John Wesley (manuscript & audio of sermon)
Wesley speaks to what happens when you are born again.

8. "Scriptural Christianity" by John Wesley (manuscript & audio of sermon)
A treatise on the Christian life according to Scripture.

9. "On Sin in Believers" by John Wesley (manuscript & audio of sermon)
Wesley answers the question: is there room or allowance for sin in the life of a true believer?

10. "The Scripture Way of Salvation" by John Wesley (manuscript & audio of sermon)
Pressing on toward entire sanctification. 

Got some sermons you recommend? Comment the link to a manuscript, video, or audio.

Don't miss 10 Books Everyone Should Read.


  1. Excellent books Jared; I would add C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity" and one that I think we often over look in Nazarenedom "A Right Conception of Sin" by Richard Taylor for starters. So many good books and so little time.

  2. Awesome list. I would add, " The Power of the Holy Spirit" by William Law. "Spiritual Authority" by Watchman Nee. "Desperate For His Presence" by Rhonda Hughey and "Preacher and Prayer" by EM Bounds even though it's already on the list. It is so good it deserves to be listed twice.

    1. All good as well! Maybe my list should have been longer!

  3. Great book list! I would add Mighty Prevailing Prayer by Wesley Duewel...or any book by Duewel.

  4. Just picked up a copy of Keith Drury's book, "Holiness for Ordinary People." Glad you recommended it. As for E.M. Bounds' book, "Preacher and Prayer," I read it every year to remind me that without strong prayer, our ministries will be fruitless.
    Thanks for the suggestion, "Abide in Christ." I love Andrew Murray's writings.

  5. Excellent. A reading pastor is a good thing
