Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Re: Kanye West

The world is in turmoil over Kanye's newest album, but most of all his insistence that he now works for God. 

Where do you stand? Or do you even have to have an opinion? Before you finalize your opinion about Kanye West and his conversion: Pause.

My problem concerns our need to have an opinion at this moment. If he has truly been born-again we [Christians] are doing a severe injustice to him by prematurely criticizing, on one hand, or vying to get him in our pulpit and instantly become a "poster child" for the church, on the other hand. We need not rush him into sainthood or expose him as a fraud. Time will give Kanye the opportunity to share the fruit of a life in Christ. Until then, no need to jump to any conclusions. 

Even if you're good at jumping to conclusions, you'll only ever maybe be as accurate as a meteorologist. 😄 Let's give time and space for K. West to work out his salvation. 

It would have to be difficult figuring things out as a new Christian while the media is micro-examining everything you do. Time will tell. Just a thought.

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