Tuesday, May 29, 2018

I'm not watching Deadpool 2.

Many Christians watch the Internet for rumors of the next movie like they should be watching the Eastern sky.

I'm not arguing for or against watching a movie or going to a theater in general, just specifically about Deadpool2. My concern is that some "Christians" have lost their ability to discern. Entertainment has become our idol.

I won't be watching Deadpool 2, just like I didn't watch Deadpool 1. Let me give you some of my reasons why...

1. It promotes the culture that constantly orients toward the sexualization and degradation of women. Just what we need! Hollywood increases its hypocrisy by both speaking against and then integrating into their movie an intense and extensive amount of female degradation. Whether you are the president of the United States, Harvey Weistein, or a middle school student... this is wrong.

2. Profanity is the linguistical crutch of the inarticulate. Let me quote to you from IMDB.com's parent guide on profanity in the film: "About 90 f-words, 35 s-words, two c-words and scads of other profanities, including "a--," "b--ch," "d--n," "h---", "p---ies" and "d--k." God's name is misused more than a dozen times (thrice with "d--n"), and Jesus' name is abused 10 or so times. Characters make several obscene gestures." This is not a word here or there. With a 119 minute runtime, this is multiple obscene words every minute as well as the vain use of the name of Jesus.

3. Crude and perverted references about sex are prevalent throughout. The promotion of homosexuality again surfaces (no surprise here) and the main character's own confusion about sexuality further demeans and any Christian approach to sexuality on any level. Sex is sacred, not the subject of filthy humor.

4. Disrespect, of a profane level, and the explicit profaning of holy things wraps up a my rejection of the movie. I've not come to expect things coming to the big screen to promote holiness. But the low and debased level this movie stoops to mocking Christianity is wicked. The main character makes references to himself being 'Lord' and the film makes a number of references to Christianity (none of which are positive).

In short, I don't think a Christian could sit through a movie like this one. What redeeming value can be found among such filth? This movie is a promotion of all that is wrong with our society. What you feed on in your entertainment is what you will become. Walk away from the filth. It's just not worth it! Maybe our desire to spend time on such perversion is indicative of a problem in our hearts.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8

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