Monday, June 5, 2023

General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene 2023 Resolutions

Here are some of my thoughts on legislation being proposed at the General Assembly (GA) of the Church of the Nazarene 2023. Some of these resolutions will die in committee, some will be edited, and some will make it to the floor of the GA and be voted either to be adopted or to be rejected by the international delegates present in Indianapolis, IN. 

They will be broken up into the categories they are listed under. You can find the resolutions to read for yourself at GA website at this link. I elaborate on each comment of every resolution proposed as I do not have the time to be that detailed. They will be listed by their identifying numbers, title of the section, and those proposing the legislation. Followed by my comment. 

CA- Christian Action

CA-700 "The Covenant of Christian Conduct" (Board of General Superintendents): Adding many more words than the original statement, but saying the same thing for the most part, places this proposal in a category I would reject, though I believe it will probably be accepted.

CA- 701 "Membership/Baptism" (SW Indiana District): Requiring baptism before membership makes sense! Strongly in favor of this one.

CA-702 "Sanctity of Life/Capital Punishment" (Florida District Resolution Committee): This resolution would add capital punishment to the list of sanctity of life issues. The main problem with this is the addition of capital punishment within the list of issues such as abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, and the withholding of reasonable medical care to handicap or elderly. The other scenarios represent victims with no culpability. There are also various problems with the explanation of under "Reason." It would seem to contradict a number of principles from the Old Testament as well as the New. I am against this amendment. It is also hard to accept the comparison between Jesus' crucifixion and capitol punishment; this is not an appropriate comparison.

CA- 702a "Capital Punishment/Death Penalty" (East Michigan General Assembly Delegates): This resolution is similar to CA-702, but instead of adding to the section on Sanctity of Life, this one creates a new section. The explanation is extremely troubling as it is equates murder, violent crime, and the death penalty as equivalent issues. This statement is more problematic than CA-702's proposal. I am strongly against this proposal.

CA-703 "Amending the Covenant of Christian Conduct" (Brazil Amazonia District, Brazil District Superintendents Council, Brazil Noroeste Paulista District, Brazil Paulistano District, Brazil Rio Baixada 1, Brazil Rio Baixada 2, Brazil Santa Catarina District, Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil Setentrional District): I understand the sentiment of this proposal which would be to prevent the rapid or unthoughtful changes to the Covenant of Christian Conduct. However, this proposal removes authority from the General Assembly which is the governing body of our denomination. I am against this proposal.

CA- 704 "Human Sexuality- Primary Identity in Christ" (Kansas City District): This proposal is only a couple of sentences added to our statement on Human Sexuality. The vocabulary is appealing and seems innocuous except for the phrase "primary identity in Christ and His Kingdom." In reality this makes room for those who would desire to identify themselves as a "gay Christian." I am strongly against this proposal.

CA- 705 "Human Sexuality" (Kentucky District Resolution Committee): This proposal provide a number of necessary edits to our statement on Human Sexuality. Many of these help close loop holes used by some to justify being lgbt affirming but still holding to the CotN Manual statement. You can read the "Reasons" section at the end for more details. I am strongly in support of this proposal.

CA- 706 "Current Moral and Social Issues- Creation" (South Arkansas District Delegates): This proposal eliminates unnecessary vocabulary from the statement. I am in support of this proposal.

CA- 707 "Abuse of the Unempowered" (Reference Committee; Manual requires review of this section at least every three quadrennia.): I am in favor of keeping this section.

CA- 708 "Gender Inclusive Language" (Reference Committee; Manual requires review of this section at least every three quadrennia.): I am in favor of removing this section. This statement is a rebuke to Scripture, which does not include gender inclusive language, and seems to be a bit of an unessential and irrelevant cultural issue. While gender inclusive language is not a bad thing, it does not warrant space in our Manual. 

CA- 709 "Value of Children and Youth" (Reference Committee; Manual requires review of this section at least every three quadrennia.): This statement does not seem necessary, but I am in favor of keeping it.

CA- 710 "Creation Care" (Reference Committee; Manual requires review of this section at least every three quadrennia.): I am in favor of keeping this statement.

CA- 711 "Evidence of Baptism of the Holy Spirit" (Reference Committee; Manual requires review of this section at least every three quadrennia.): I am in favor of keeping this statement. This is going to be an issue in our near future like it has been with the Wesleyan denomination.

CA- 712 "Pornography" (Reference Committee; Manual requires review of this section at least every three quadrennia.): I am in favor of keeping this statement.

CA- 713 "Gender Identity" (Board of General Superintendents): This statement sounds like a good one at first glance, but leaves a number of significant holes that will be exploited by those pushing for lgbtqia+ affirmation. One problem, for example, is the phrase "the vast majority of people are born distinctly male or female." The sex of a person is tied, throughout this statement, solely to a persons genitals. Scripture (Matt 11:4; Genesis 1:27, 5:2) and science (chromosomes identify the sex of an individual down to every single cell of their body). A eunuch is not any less male or female because their genitals are either not present at birth or because they have become a eunuch through some other means. The statement is wordy, but lacking in clarity. I am not in favor of this proposal without some important modifications. 

CP- Church Program

CP- 101 "Church Stewards" (Kansas District, Reference Committee): I am indifferent to this proposal.

CP- 102 "Elected Board Position- Outreach Direction" (Kansas District, Reference Committee): I am indifferent to this proposal. It is a good idea and can be approved for implementation by a local church from their district already. This would simply make it a mandatory position/action by a local church.

CP- 103 "Nazarene Publishing House" (Kansas District, Reference Committee): This is simply an editorial fix. The Manual editorial committee should take care of this.

CP- 104 "Creation of the Auxiliary Agency and Constitution of Nazarene Evangelism International -NEI- in the Local, District and Global Government of the Church of the Nazarene" (Guatemala North Verapaz): This is a form of CP-102 that extends well beyond the local church to the district and general levels. I'm not sure what the cost of such a move would be, but it could be very high and created more levels of administration and bureaucracy. At the same time I am in support of the idea to help keep our attention on matters of evangelism and outreach. I am indifferent to this proposal's idea, but hesitant about the creation of more denominational infrastructure and the costs associated with it.

CP- 105- "Reception of Church Members and Agreed Statement of Belief" (SW Indiana District, Virginia District General Assembly Delegates): I'm in favor of this proposal. It makes sense.

DA- District Administration

DA-200 "Business of the District Assembly- District Superintendent Message" (South Arkansas District Delegates): I am indifferent to this proposal. Not a bad idea, but not necessary either.

DA-201 "Business of the District Assembly- Election of District Superintendent" (South Arkansas District Delegates): Raising the "mandatory retirement age" of a District Superintendent is not a bad idea. I am indifferent to the proposal.

DA-202 "Renewing the District Superintendent Relationship" (MidSouth District Resolution Committee, North Carolina District Resolution Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): A review process for the District Superintendent is good, but no vote on a District Superintendent by the District Assembly is not good. This proposal brings the review/vote process of the district to be compatible with a local church-pastor review process, but the assumption that a district and a local church are similar is a big leap. I do not recall the last time a district superintendent was voted out of office (though I'm sure that it has happened). This is legislation that moves authority of the district assembly away from the people and into a small committee.     

DA-203 "District Assembly Delegate Clarification" (MidSouth District Resolution Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I support this proposal. It brings clarity to the confusion of how many delegates a local church can have.

DA-204 "District Government" (South Arkansas District Delegates): I am in favor of this proposal. The same expectations that are applied to a local church board should be applied to district leadership.

DA-205 "Pastoral Candidate Vetting" (West Texas District General Assembly Delegates): The idea behind this proposal is a good one. District Superintendents need to actively vet pastoral candidates before bringing up their name. My only concern is that this seems to diminish the need of the local church to do the same. Does this legislation preclude the possibility of the local church board being involved in the vetting process? Vetting needs to be taken seriously and done more often. We aren't trying to "fill spots" we are attempting to discern the will of God.

DA-206 "Harmonizing Church in Crisis Paragraphs" (MidSouth District Resolution Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I am in favor of this editorial correction.

DA-207 "Duties of the Ministerial Studies Board" (Global Education & Clergy Development): This brings the Manual paragraph up to date with previous changes.

DA-208 "District Ministerial Studies Board Duties" (Eastern Kentucky District Resolution Committee): I am indifferent to this proposal. It seems reasonable to keep these records digitally in a permanent way that will benefit potential problems decades in the future as well as their historic value down the road.   

DA-209 "District Journal" (Northwestern Illinois District): This seems a common sense approach in the digital age.

DA-209a "District Journal Quadrennial Preservation" (MidSouth District Resolution Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): Similar issue as DA-209.

DA-210 "District Advisory Board" (Eun Yup Kim, Min-Gyoo Shin, Chang Hwan Lee, Moon Gi Yoon, Won Geun Oh, Un Tea Park): I am in favor of this proposal. The only problem I would foresee is the potential confusion about "which district board" someone might be referring to.

DA-211 "District Advisory Board Meeting and Chairperson" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I support this proposal. There can be a time when this would be necessary or important, though rare.      

DA-212 "Integration of the District NYI, NMI, NDI, & NEI Presidents to form the District Advisory Board" (Guatemala North Verspaz General Assembly Delegates): See my comments from CP-104. This change would be significant for our denomination!  

DA-213 "Removal of District Advisory Board Member" (Northwestern Illinois District): I am in support of this legislation. I was not aware that there was no previous Manual provision to remove a district advisory board member. This is needed.

DA-214 "Transfer of Local Church to Another District" (General Board): While this is a good move in rare instances, it is not a healthy provision as there could potentially be no geographical boundaries for a district. What would prevent a church in upstate New York from joining a district in Southern California? I am a bit indifferent to the proposal but lean away as it could open up doors of other complicated problems.    

GA- General Administration

GA-300 "General Assembly Membership" (Eastern Kentucky District Resolution Committee): I'm not sure I'm in favor of this proposal as it lends itself to top heavy representation at General Assembly. General Board members already have plenty of authority they exercise between each General Assembly and I would prefer that General Assembly delegates be elected by the District Assembly rather than add to the number of those who are ex officio.

GA-301 "Month of General Assembly" (General Board): The wording may be a little vague. I am in favor of this proposal if it is to allow for some adjustment of the month of the General Assembly, but not if it is the authority to lengthen beyond the year of the General Assembly. 

GA-302 "Time of General Assembly" (North/East Texas District Resolutions Committee): This has been proposed a number of times over past General Assemblies. It is a contentious issue that is debated with the only positive as saving money. However, if COVID showed us anything it is that we need to come together regularly, not less frequently. I am against this proposal.

GA-303 "Election of General Superintendent" (Kansas City District): I am in favor of raising the age from 68 to 70 years as this proposal suggests.   

GA-304 "Ordination" (Moon Gi Yonn, Min-Gyoo Shin, Eun Yup Kim, Chang Hwan Lee, Won Keun Oh, Un Tae Park, Kyuman Kang, Se-ho Oh, Sang Chun Lee): I am in favor of this idea, but I think the proposal is unnecessary. The sentence before the proposed addition approves the action that is being recommended.

JUD- Special Judicial

JUD-800 "Article of Faith VI. Atonement" (Board of General Superintendents): I am opposed to this rewrite of our AoF VI on Atonement. The primary issue is the rewording of the first sentence from "We believe that Jesus Christ, by His sufferings, by the shedding of His own blood, and by His death on the Cross, made a full atonement for all human sin..." And the new sentence reads: "We believe that Jesus Christ, the incarnate and obedient Son of God, suffered an atoning death by shedding His blood on the cross." It seems that Jesus moves from actively pursuing atonement, through his death on the cross, to being a victim of it. The idea that the atonement is only effective for those who reach the age of responsibility when they repent and believe has been removed. This is not a rearticulation of what we believe, but a significant transition. For these reasons, our understanding of atonement would be changed so I oppose this proposal.

JUD-801 "Article of Faith X.  Christian Holiness and Entire Sanctification" (Board of General Superintendents): I am strongly opposed to this proposal. It failed at the last General Assembly for many of the same reasons it should be rejected this time. I hope the General Assembly does not refer it back to the BGS. Article of Faith X needs no revision at this time. The committee that has worked on this says that they are simply bringing clarity to the wording of our  AoF X without changing any of the meaning. However, there are some significant shifts in the proposed statement: (1) The need for entire sanctification is not directly referenced. We need to be sanctified entirely because of the problem of original sin, or depravity. AoF IV speaks of the problem, but the solution, entire sanctification, AoF does not refer to it except vaguely by its fruit: pride, self-centeredness, and idolatry. This is a serious theological departure (hopefully unintended) from our historic, biblical stance. (2) The baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is a seemingly subtle shift in how the baptism of the Holy Spirit is referenced. In the original AoF, it is clear that entire sanctification is "wrought by the baptism or infilling of the Holy Spirit" but now the baptism of the Holy Spirit is only referenced as an event from the day of Pentecost. This is another departure from our traditional teaching and can become problematic because it creates a lack of continuity from AoF IV which states that the sinful nature is cleansed by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (3) The effects of entire sanctification is limited to purity of heart, allowing for wholehearted love to God & neighbor, and empowered to witness to Jesus in a life of victory (it is unclear in the new wording whether that means overcoming willful sin?). What about spiritual power for ministry? (4) This virtually eliminates the instantaneous work of entire sanctification trading in the crisis moment for the phrase "the point of entire sanctification." This is a dramatic shift in our theology that brings us more in line with generic evangelicalism. It seems that the proposed statement could be agreed to by Baptists, Presbyterians, or other evangelicals. I hope that our distinctive doctrine would not become a generic statement on holiness.

JUD-802 "Article of Faith XV. Second Coming of Christ" (Board of General Superintendents): I am in favor of this proposal. Some of the wording is helpful, but it retains the spirit of the original intent of the article.

JUD-803 "Dedication Ritual" (Board of General Superintendents): I am a bit indifferent to this proposal. Removing the word "fear" is a cultural push. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I would suggest leaving that word as it is a biblical one, but I also recognize this is not an article of faith. 

JUD-804 "The Funeral Service" (Board of General Superintendents): I am in favor of this proposal.

JUD-805 "Nominations" (General Board): I am not in favor of this proposal. This seems to limit the voice of individuals in the local church and district assembly. The concern is that someone might be nominated that does not meet the Manual qualifications. On a local church level, this can be handled by having them sign a document that states they are either (1) willing to allow their name to be on the ballot and that they meet the qualifications or (2) they are unwilling to allow their name to be on the ballot. Limiting the voice of the assembly (locally or district) is not a good move.

JUD-806 "Direct Interest in Voting" (General Board): I am in favor of this proposal.

JUD-807 "Board Member Responsibility" (Northwestern Illinois District): I am indifferent to this proposal. It seems that this would be handled with JUD- 806. It could be helpful in church board integrity. 

JUD-808 "Employees as Elected Board Members" (General Board): I am in favor of this proposal. It makes sense and brings clarity.

JUD-809 "Article of Faith VII. Prevenient Grace" (Asia Pacific Regional Group and Reference Committee): Their concern is that Article VII titled prevenient grace does little to define prevenient grace. This article needs some clarity because just a few General Assemblies back the title was changed from "Free Agency" to "Prevenient Grace". I'm indifferent to their proposal, but would agree that this article needs some work.

JUD-810 "General Assembly Quorum" (East Kentucky District Resolutions Committee): I am not in favor of this proposal. It is imperative that business be conducted only with a quorum. Otherwise, important decisions can be made when certain delegates leave. We create a serious loophole for individuals to play politics with this proposal. I'm sure that is not the intent of those proposing JUD- 810, but it is a reality nonetheless.

JUD-811 "Contested Discipline of a Member of the Clergy" (Intermountain District): I am not in favor of this proposed legislation. We do not need more red tape in the process of church discipline. This is reactionary and unnecessary. A district's pastors and leaders should be able to navigate theological issues or not be ordained.

JUD-811a "Discipline of a Member of the Clergy" (SW Indiana District, Virginia District General Assembly Delegates): I am in favor of this proposal. This proposal simply codifies what the Board of General Superintendents has ruled recently about those things that are "essential" to being a Nazarene elder. 

JUD-812 "Board of Discipline Majority" (SW Indiana District, Virginia District General Assembly Delegates): I am indifferent to this proposal. I can see the benefit of requiring a 2/3rds vote instead of unanimous vote, as it only takes one person to thwart the process otherwise. 

JUD-813 "Guaranty to Rights" (Intermountain District): I am indifferent to this proposal. 

JUD-814 "Study Committee on Calling and Lay Ministry" (Eurasia Regional Advisory Council, Global Education & Clergy Development, Nazarene Discipleship International): I am indifferent to this proposal. Our denomination would probably benefit from bringing clarity to the call to lay ministry.  

JUD-815 "Creation and Humanity" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee; North Carolina District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I am indifferent to this proposal. I like the reasoning behind it, but am uncomfortable with some of the wording. For example, "created the heavens and the earth and everything in them out of nothing but love." That seems a bit problematic when we are already struggling with several erroneous definitions of love and I'm not sure what the biblical grounds for creating out of nothing but love. Maybe "but love" should be dropped for clarity's sake. This statement needs further work, but could be helpful as an addition to our Article of Faith. 

JUD-815a "Original Goodness" (Kansas City District): I am not in favor of this proposal. Article of Faith V is about sin, original and personal, not about creation. The sentence, without more context, also could be perceived to read as a contradiction of the rest of the Article of Faith on sin. It is problematic in its wording and placement in this article.

JUD-816 "Article XVI. Resurrection, Judgement, and Destiny Rewording" (Oregon Pacific District Resolutions Committee): I am strongly opposed to this proposal. This is an obvious move to redefine hell from its historic definition. The argument against "hell" being the last word of our article of faith is a weak one that lends itself more to a misguided sense of public relations than theological and biblical clarity.

JUD-816a "Article XVI. Resurrection, Judgement, and Destiny Rewording" (Board of General Superintendents): The tenor and majority of this proposal is good. The only thing that prevents my support is the subtraction of the phrase "shall suffer" from the description of the finally unrepentant in hell. In the "Reasons" section of explanation, it is written: "The finally impenitent will be separated eternally from God. Scripture talks in at least three distinct ways about what happens to those who are away from God in the final day. This is a description of the moderate or middle position." Scripture does not speak about this in "three distinct ways". These are not three different ways, but descriptions of the same reality of hell as eternal suffering apart from God. This may seem small, but is a dangerous trend in the wrong direction. I cannot support this proposal for that reason.

JUD-817 "The Administration of the Lord's Supper" (SW Indiana District): I am in favor of this common sense proposal.  

JUD-818 "Ritual for The Baptism of Infants" (SW Indiana District): I am not in favor of this proposal. It removes language from our ritual that would bring clarity that infant baptism does not negate the need for the child to be born-again. There could be very real confusion from parents on the theological/biblical nature of what takes place at infant baptism.

LA- Local Administration

LA-400 "Parent-Affiliated Congregations" (Kansas City District): I am in favor of this proposal. This is a Manual definition of a parent-affiliated congregation. 

LA-401 "Church Name Change" (Northwestern Illinois District): I am in favor of this proposal.

LA-402 "Local Church Organization, Name, Incorporation, Property, Restrictions, Mergers, Disorganization" (North/East Texas District Resolutions Committee): I am in favor of this proposal.

LA-403 "Mergers" (Washington Pacific District Advisory Board): This seems to be a common sense proposal.       

LA-404 "Termination of Local Church Membership for Ministers" (Northwestern Illinois District): I am indifferent to this proposal.

LA-405 "Removal from Membership" (Kansas City District): I support this proposal.

LA-406 "Electronic and Multi-site Meetings- Local Church" (Board of General Superintendents): I support this proposal in light of technological advances with communication.

LA-406a "Electronic Voting" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee Northwestern Illinois District): Similar to LA-406.

LA-407 "Local Church Meeting Notice" (Eastern Kentucky District): I am in support of this proposal.

LA-407a "Meeting Notification" (Northwestern Illinois District, Reference Committee): I am indifferent toward this proposal, maybe leaning toward opposition. This is a short notice for a significant decision like a property purchase, building project, pastoral vote, etc. 

LA-408 "Local Church Meetings" (Intermountain District): I support this proposal although I believe provision is already made for a church to do this with permission from the DS and DAB. 

LA-409 "Statistical Year" (Northwestern Illinois District): I am in favor of this proposal as it gives more flexibility to districts.

LA-410 "Term of Appointment for Pastor" (General Board): I favor this proposal. It is already in practice, this just formalizes it.

LA-411 "Appointment of a Pastor" (Eastern Kentucky District Resolutions Committee): I am strongly opposed to this proposal. While it may benefit a small church to have a pastor appointed by the DS without their consent, it is unnecessary authority given to the DS and taken from a local church, for no more reason that it is simply small in attendance or young in its existence. This transfers considerable authority to the superintendency without a crisis or moral failure from the local church.

LA-412 "Criteria for the Appointment of a Pastor" (Eastern Kentucky District Resolution Committee): I am strongly opposed to this proposal as it gives an enormous amount of authority to the District Superintendent only because a local church has failed (or been unwilling) to meet their apportionments in full. This would be tragic if approved.

LA-413 "Clarification for Voting Requirements" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I support this proposal. It helps clarify the 2/3rds vote.

LA-414 "Relocating the Duties of a Pastor" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I am indifferent to this proposal. It is a clerical change.

LA-415 "Recusal During Review Meeting" (Eastern Kentucky District Resolution Committee): I am not really in favor of this proposal. This is a leadership issue and assumes that all families connected to a previous pastor will be harmful to the process. That is not necessarily the case. If a district superintendent feels that the family members may cause a problem, there needs to be a conversation before the review process begins. 

LA-416 "Renewing the Local Church/Pastor Relationship" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee): This may be a technicality issue with which Robert's Rules of Order need to be consulted. A parliamentarian can maybe answer the question of the necessity of this proposal in light of the reasoning given.

LA-417 "Membership of Local Church Board" (Global NMI Council): I support this proposal. 

LA-418 "Church Board Vacancies" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, North Carolina District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I support this proposal. It is probably already practiced widely, but would be codified if this proposal passes.

LA-419 "Other Vacancies Between Annual Church Meetings" (Northwestern Illinois District): Similar to LA-418. I support this proposal.

LA-420 "Pastoral Sabbaticals" (Kentucky District Resolution Committee): I am in support of this proposal. It will be beneficial for the local church pastor and ultimately the local church by encouraging longer pastoral tenures.

LA-421 "Filling Delegate Vacancies" (Northwestern Illinois District): I support this proposal. There are ways to handle the issue outside of new legislation in the Manual though.

LA-422 "Removal of Church Board Members" (Northwestern Illinois District): I am strongly in support of this proposal. See DA-213 for the district equivalent.

LA-423 "Pastoral Transition/Resignation- Childcare/School Directors/ CEOs of Subsidiaries" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I strongly support this proposal. This is a needed clarification and allowance.

LA-424 "Membership of Congregations" (Board of General Superintendents): I am in support of this proposal. It seems to contradict DA-214. But it makes sense to keep local churches geographically unified.  

MED- Ministry and Education

MED-500 "Use of the Title 'Pastor'" (Board of General Superintendents, General Board, Reference Committee): I support this proposal. It helps clarify "pastor" and "reverend" as well as offer some legal framework.

MED-501 "Orders of Ministry" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, North Carolina District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I am not in favor of this proposal without some kind of study being done. A global committee needs to be appointed to explore the practical and theological issues surrounding what we believe about ordination and bring proposals back for the next General Assembly.

MED-502 "Deaconess" (Kansas City District, Reference Committee): I am not in favor of this proposal. See my comment on MED-501.

MED-503 "Ministry of Laypersons & Licensed Lay Ministers" (Virginia District General Assembly Delegates): See my comments on MED-501. This is an theology of ordination issue. 

MED-504 "Conditions & Responsibility for Renewal of District Licenses" (Global Education & Clergy Development, MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District, Reference Committee): This proposal seems unnecessary, but I am not in opposition.  

MED-505 "Constitution and Covenant of Christian Conduct: Distribution" (Global Education & Clergy Development, MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District, Reference Committee): This is an update based on technology, which would allow the dissemination of the information digitally rather than only print.

MED-506 "Pastoral Service Definition" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, North Carolina District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District, Reference Committee): I support this proposal.  

MED-507 "Education for Ordained Ministry" (MidSouth District Resolutions, Northwestern Illinois District): I support this proposal.

MED-508 "Local License/Applying for District License (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District, Reference Committee): I am in favor of this proposal.

MED-509 "Local Minister's Certificate/Local Minister Apprentice" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, North Carolina District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): This is another referral to a committee tasked with the theological and practical issues of ordination. See MED-501

MED-510 "District License Qualifications" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I am in favor of this proposal.

MED-511 Withdrawn    

MED-512 "Ministry Service Time" (Oregon Pacific District Resolutions Committee): I am indifferent to this, but lean towards support.

MED-513 "Elders" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, North Carolina District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I support this proposal.

MED-514 "Recognition of Credentials" (Eastern Kentucky District Resolution Committee): I am in support of this proposal.

MED-515 "Annual Reporting for Retired Ministers" (Eastern Kentucky District Resolution Committee): I strongly support this proposal. It is a common sense action.

MED-516 "Changes of Terminology and Definition Related to Ministers and Ministerial Credentials" (Global Education & Clergy Development, Northwestern Illinois District): I am not in favor of this proposal. See MED-501.

MED-516a "General Regulations" (Intermountain District): I not in favor of this change. See MED-501.

MED-517 "Membership Defined" (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I am indifferent to this editorial change.

MED-518 "Solemnization of Weddings" (Kansas City District): I strongly support this proposal. We can no longer assume that marriage, a sacred covenant, is done in a Christian context.

MED-519 "Transfer of Jurisdiction" (Virgil Askren, Kevin Compton, Roxann Peach, Stacey Fajardo, Wayla Murrow, MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I support this proposal.

MED-520 Withdrawn  

MED-521 "International Board of Education" (International Board of Education): I am uncertain of the legal ramifications of this proposal. I need to do more research before I support or oppose this proposal.

MED-522 "Approval of Change of Status of IBOE Institutions- STNP, STNS, STNCS" (International Board of Education): I support this proposal.

SF- Stewardship and Finance

SF- 600 "District Assembly Finance Committee" (Louisianna District, Northeast Oklahoma District, South Texas District): I am indifferent. A district advisory board could still appoint a finance committee for the district if they felt it necessary. This may streamline "committees and boards" that are not as essential as they once were due to technology and a change in how the local church pays its allocations and apportionments.

SF-601 "District Advisory Board Responsibilities: Contractual Agreements (MidSouth District Resolutions Committee, Northwestern Illinois District): I am not in favor of this resolution. This is a further transfer of authority from the local church to the district. The idea is a sound one and should be done in an organic way that does not need Manual provision. 

 SR- Special Resolutions

I am in support of all of the Special Resolutions in this section. 

So what are your thoughts on the upcoming General Assembly? What are some important pieces of legislation from your perspective?

Also check out the following articles:

Why I Love the Church of the Nazarene

Some Cautions for the Church of the Nazarene (Part I)

Some Cautions for the Church of the Nazarene (Part II)

A Way Forward for the Church of the Nazarene

10 Reasons I Became a Feminist

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