Saturday, July 3, 2021

Should Christians Celebrate Independence Day?

Dear Christian, 

Of course it is appropriate to celebrate #IndependenceDay. 

No pastor that I am aware of actually believes the country should be worshiped. (That's ridiculous.) No pastor, that I am aware of, advocates for allegiance to nation over Christ... that's idolatrous and a straw man. 

On July 4th you can thank God!

Picture: Phineas Bresee's "Glory Barn" Church of the Nazarene

Thank God for the religious freedom we have in this country to freely worship. 

Thank God for the freedoms the nation has developed over time (abolishing slavery, etc).

Thank God for those who have given their lives to protect the innocent around the world (like the Jews in WW2).

Thank God for the resources given to fund mission work around the world.

Ask for God's guidance on our leaders. 

Ask for mercy over the infanticide of abortion taking place. 

Ask for mercy over the celebration of sexual sin. 

Ask for grace to continue to make progress in racial strife. 

Ask for God to bless America... we certainly need it! 

Pray for revival.

Pray for another great awakening. 

Preach on freedom in Christ. (The freedoms our nation afford cannot begin to compare to the freedom afforded us in Jesus our Savior and Sanctifier!)

Preach total victory over sin. 

Preach the complete cleansing of the Holy Spirit! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes! We should celebrate!
    Our country is changing and not for the better BUT... We still have a great deal of freedom and the opportunity to regain what is lost. It is the best country.. founded on Christian principals and laws based on Christian moral values!
