...to make things interesting:
1. The Fall Back Person. Did you procrastinate on your planning? Don't worry, call this person to make the event, ministry, Bible study, or service go off without a hitch.
2. The Tele-Evangelist Lover. The person that watches too much TBN. They love Benny Hinn's comb over. They are always referring to their tithe as "seed money." They use words like "shekinah" and "prophetic" a lot! Need a class taught on Prosperity Gospel?... talk to this person.
3. The Worrier. They are always in a panic or afraid that someone will leave the church, there won't be enough money, the ministry will fail, or any of a host of other worst case scenarios will take place.
4. The Committed. Any service, any ministry, any event, or even if the church happens to be open... you'll find this person present and accounted for. They are committed and ready to serve.
5. The Gossip. Need to know anyone's business? Just talk to this person. They can give you the low down on anyone, any situation, or anything brewing on the horizon.
6. The Flash-in-the-Pan. This person makes a big splash when they come to church, but it won't last. The folks who've been around awhile are use to it. Big talk, little action. Here today and gone tomorrow.
7. The Optimist. This person is full of faith about everything. They know the church will grow, they know that it will overcome the obstacle, they know that the struggle will end in victory.

8. The Hugger. They will hug you. You can try to avoid them during the "hand shaking time," but they will find you and they will hug you. You are just going to have to live with it.
9. The Activist. They are always promoting a cause. They seek to be proactive about what is happening around them. We need to give to this, stand for that, or rally for something else.
10. The Peace Keeper. This person just wants everyone to get along. They work hard to make peace where they perceive conflict to be. They have a difficult time when someone is angry at them too.
11. The Comedian. This person is always cracking jokes... sometimes even when everyone else is serious. They bring a smile into the sanctuary with them.
12. The Blunt One. You may feel like you just got hammered, but you actually just found the person in the church who does not beat around the bush. You will never have trouble trying to figure out where you stand with this person.
13. The Introvert. Extremely quiet, but not stupid. These folks usually provide stability and backbone to any church. You won't see them on the platform, but you will find them in the trenches.
14. The Shouter. They serve, for many, as a thermometer in a worship service. We know we just had a good one because our brother or sister "got blessed" and shouted. (The "Amen-er" is a good one too.)
15. The Refuser. Need someone to help out in Sunday School? Don't ask this person. In fact, do not ask them for much of anything. They can say "No" and they're not afraid to. Truth be told, they don't even know how to say "Yes" anymore.
16. The Sanctified Believer. What's not to desire about having someone in the church that loves God with all their heart and their neighbors as themselves? We need more with a pure heart and power from on high filling the church!
16. The Sanctified Believer. What's not to desire about having someone in the church that loves God with all their heart and their neighbors as themselves? We need more with a pure heart and power from on high filling the church!
Got any you might add?
Check out the following...
I Judge People.
Why I Still Have Sunday Night Service.