Saturday, June 25, 2016

How to Make Your Church a Great One

1. Pray. Don't skip this one. (I know you knew it was going to be on here.) Take some time to pray. Start with yourself. In an age of express, quick, drive through, microwave mentality, just stop for a few moments every day. Find a closet to pray. Cut yourself off from the world (and turn off some stuff) for some time to enter the presence of God. It's the best thing you can do for your church.

2. Invite. You are positioned for optimal impact to many people in your life. Sure, some may decline your invitation to worship or Bible Study or the next outreach event. But you are a child of the Most High God, you are not easily deterred! You have family, neighbors, co-workers, peers, and others that need an invitation. You may be the only invitation to fellowship with the Savior that some people ever receive.

3. Encourage. It is a much ignored spiritual gift. Your pastor can use some encouragement. Those who lead discipleship classes, those who head up teen ministry, those who lead in worship, etc. All can use some encouragement. Let them know what they are doing well, because they have probably been told numerous times what they are not doing well. You can turn the tide of the next worship service by being an encourager.

4. Volunteer. The next time you hear about a need in the church volunteer. It will be worth it! It will expand the impact of your local church. You will help fulfill the mission of God in the world. There may not be a lot of earthly fanfare, but you are about the business of the Father. It's also a way you fulfill your calling and purpose. The church can do more together.

5. Welcome. We all have a tendency to greet, converse, and be friendly with people we already know. Try scoping out someone less familiar this coming Sunday. Go up to them and welcome. Want to go a step further? Try introducing them to other people you know (including the pastor), tell them why you choose to worship there, share with them some of the things you think make your church a great place to grow in the Lord. They care less about the "production" and more about the people.

6. Worship. Unfortunately the worship time in church has become more like a concert or a performance. There is less involvement than in days past. That's not worship. If you are standing or sitting through worship without being involved (singing, emotionally, intellectually, etc) then you have missed what you are there for. Worship is not waiting to "feel" a certain way... make a choice today to praise God in thanksgiving.

7. Love. You know how every church has those weird people that attend? (If you don't, you may be new or you may be the person.) It's the kind of person that is different in so many ways that people have a tendency to avoid them. Choose to love them instead. You know how there is that one abrasive personality. Love them. You know how there is that one quiet person that always sits alone? Sit by them... Love them.

8. Honor. We have become ultra casual in our society and in the process lost the 'know-how' on showing honor. Lots of people do not like to be referred to by their titles as they feel that can be prideful. That may be understandable, but don't forget that we are called to show honor to certain people. The Bible says that elders in the church are worthy of a double honor, especially those who preach & teach (1 Timothy 5:17). One of the ten commandments is that we honor our father & mother (side note: why is it becoming popular in some circles to not honor parents on their respective days set aside in the secular calendar?)  Give honor to whom honor is due!

9. Seek. You have to approach faith in Christ not as having arrived, but as moving forward toward the goal. That's not to say that there aren't things you obtain now, but it's also not to say that you can come to some kind of static state of being in which growth is no longer necessary. Jesus said the hungry will be satisfied because the Father does not give a stone when his children ask for bread! The great churches are comprised not of the best facilities and furniture, but of a people hungry to be more like the Father and willing to do what they can to be in His presence.

10. Live it out. One of they biggest accusations you hear about many churches is that they are "full of hypocrites." A hypocrite is someone who does not live out what they claim to be. No one really likes a hypocrite or wants to be around one, but too many people are becoming one by not living out the life they claim to have in Christ. Make sure your life mirrors what you say you believe about God.

What might you add?

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