It seems that recently many Christians are being swayed by events taking place around us to believe that the Church of Christ is somehow responsible for these things. Holiness churches have long rejected racism, violence against others, and non-biblical sexual ethics. The troubling reality is that even within a holiness denomination, there are people who have traded off their spiritual and biblical heritage in the face of a rapidly changing world.
Let me explain a little further.
The idea of people sinning every day is an idea promoted by a sinning theology based on some tenets of Calvinism. Though not all "Calvinists" believe in perpetual sinning in the life of the believer, many articulate this theology by saying things like: "I sin every day in thought, word, and deed." Their belief in the idea that once you are saved you will always be saved lends to the idea that salvation, once received, is irrevocable. The problem then is that many who have an initial experience continue in their sin declaring: "I'm just a sinner saved by grace." Their primary identity, thus, continues to be in their sin.
Righteousness ceases to be a relational dynamic and is a once-for-all religious transaction. Holy lifestyle, character, and personal integrity are diminished as they make the unbiblical claim that their past, present, and future sins are all forgiven. Thus you can identify as a lying Christian. You can maintain your identity as an adulterous Christian. A bitter Christian is acceptable.
E.P. Ellyson said: "The Bible offers no compromise with sin; its only offer is salvation from sin, and this results in holiness." (from "Bible Holiness" Beacon Hill Press. 1952.)
Holiness theology is not only Arminian, but distinctly Biblical in emphasizing the fullness of God's work in the life of the believer. Not only does the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross provide for our forgiveness, but Jesus' resurrection serves to provide power over sinful acts and indwelling sin.
Haldor Lillenas, a holiness song writer, penned the words of "Glorious Freedom"...
Haldor Lillenas, a holiness song writer, penned the words of "Glorious Freedom"...
"[verse 1]
Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters,
Chained like a slave, I struggled in vain;
But I received a glorious freedom,
When Jesus broke my fetters in twain.
Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom,
No more in chains of sin I repine!
Jesus the glorious Emancipator,
Now and forever He shall be mine.
[verse 2]
Freedom from all the carnal affections,
Freedom from envy, hatred and strife;
Freedom from vain and worldly ambitions,
Freedom from all that saddened my life.
[verse 3]
Freedom from pride and all sinful follies,
Freedom from love and glitter of gold;
Freedom from evil, temper, and anger,
Glorious freedom, rapture untold.
[verse 4]
Freedom from fear with all of its torments,
Freedom from care with all of its pain;
Freedom in Christ, my blessed Redeemer,
He who has rent my fetters in twain."

Lyrics like these along with sermons, denominational publications, and articles in the "Preacher's Magazine" or "Herald of Holiness" emphasized the reality of victory over sin (both as an act and a nature). It was Good News that people who had been bound by sin through addiction, worldly affinity, or lifestyle developed a hunger for as they witnessed people radically transformed through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Those early holiness people were convinced that God's Spirit could forgive and cleanse anyone! They were convinced that through the atonement sin could be cleansed completely! Testimonies in holiness churches were about victory found in Jesus. They were testimonies about Jesus changing our values, our desires, and even our will to match His own! This was not a theory, this was living out the promises found in Scripture.
The Good News we shared with the broken world around us was that Jesus had not covered up our sin to give us a presentable life, but had actually made provision for holy living in this life!
That still is Good News for those who are lost and bound in sin today! You need not live that way. You need not gravitate toward sin any longer! God can and will sanctify you entirely! Thus, your whole spirit and soul and body can be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Fast forward to the present hour. Holiness theology is impotent when given only lip service. Too many pulpits have been led astray by worldly philosophies.
Today there are those who contend that our identity is bound to inclinations or desires that, if acted upon, are sinful. They see this as fully compatible with not only the Christian life, but also a holy life. Specifically this is true concerning acts of homosexuality. This is an affront to the fullness of the blessing and the work of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit! Thus you have people who say they are "gay Christians." (This is acceptable, they claim, as long as you keep the desire at bay by refusing to act upon it.)
They stand in Romans 7 by denying the full liberty and freedom found in Jesus Christ. The Fallen nature that twists God's intended plan for human sexuality is allowed to continue to be a driving force in their very identity... even qualifying their faith in Christ by adding the adjective of "gay" before "Christian." The implication is simply that the full work of the Holy Spirit cannot entirely redeem their identity.
Those early holiness people were convinced that God's Spirit could forgive and cleanse anyone! They were convinced that through the atonement sin could be cleansed completely! Testimonies in holiness churches were about victory found in Jesus. They were testimonies about Jesus changing our values, our desires, and even our will to match His own! This was not a theory, this was living out the promises found in Scripture.
The Good News we shared with the broken world around us was that Jesus had not covered up our sin to give us a presentable life, but had actually made provision for holy living in this life!
That still is Good News for those who are lost and bound in sin today! You need not live that way. You need not gravitate toward sin any longer! God can and will sanctify you entirely! Thus, your whole spirit and soul and body can be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Fast forward to the present hour. Holiness theology is impotent when given only lip service. Too many pulpits have been led astray by worldly philosophies.
Today there are those who contend that our identity is bound to inclinations or desires that, if acted upon, are sinful. They see this as fully compatible with not only the Christian life, but also a holy life. Specifically this is true concerning acts of homosexuality. This is an affront to the fullness of the blessing and the work of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit! Thus you have people who say they are "gay Christians." (This is acceptable, they claim, as long as you keep the desire at bay by refusing to act upon it.)
They stand in Romans 7 by denying the full liberty and freedom found in Jesus Christ. The Fallen nature that twists God's intended plan for human sexuality is allowed to continue to be a driving force in their very identity... even qualifying their faith in Christ by adding the adjective of "gay" before "Christian." The implication is simply that the full work of the Holy Spirit cannot entirely redeem their identity.
Good News remains: sin, in any form, does not have to define you! As a child of God it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me! He makes all things new! You need not identify any longer with inclinations that if acted upon would lead you into sin.
So what do you do if you have this problem? Repent and then consecrate your heart completely to God! He both forgives and cleanses!
Today there are those who contend that we must claim to be racist. A quick historical overview of the holiness movement would find that God's people always reject the evil of racism! Sin cannot have any part of our hearts! Racism can have no place in the heart fully consecrated to God. When God's Spirit fills a heart, it does not abide with sin, but cleanses it!
Good News remains: sin, in any form, does not have to define you! As a child of God it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me! He makes all things new! You need not give into racism or identify with it any longer.
Today there are those who contend that we must claim to be racist. A quick historical overview of the holiness movement would find that God's people always reject the evil of racism! Sin cannot have any part of our hearts! Racism can have no place in the heart fully consecrated to God. When God's Spirit fills a heart, it does not abide with sin, but cleanses it!
Good News remains: sin, in any form, does not have to define you! As a child of God it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me! He makes all things new! You need not give into racism or identify with it any longer.
So what do you do if you have this problem? Repent and then consecrate your heart completely to God! He both forgives and cleanses!
We are not sinners with a holy varnish. Yes, we once were dead in our trespasses and sin, but, through Jesus the Christ, we have been made alive! May we return to the message of full salvation that cleanses from all unrighteousness and delivers fully from the effects of sin and its marring of the image of God in each of us!
We are not sinners with a holy varnish. Yes, we once were dead in our trespasses and sin, but, through Jesus the Christ, we have been made alive! May we return to the message of full salvation that cleanses from all unrighteousness and delivers fully from the effects of sin and its marring of the image of God in each of us!